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The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. When she reached the first hills of the Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarksgrove.
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When I came to Madrid I got in contact with Eliana for an apartment for the coming 5 months. After I met up with Eliana she showed me the room in a quiet neighborhood just outside the city center. I told her I wanted something busier since I came to Madrid for Erasmus. She understood my wish and directly took me to an awesome room in the city center. It was the exact location where all the buzz was going on! This was what I needed! When I saw the room I immediately took it. Later I heard that someone else saw the room via another agency and offered to pay more than me but Eliana fought for my right. When you move to Madrid you must understand that rooms are scarce and you need someone to find and fight for those hidden treasures. Eliana from move to madrid knows the spots and the landlords making things so much easier. My Spanish was not really impressive so I thought communication was going to be hard. Luckily Eliana spoke multiple languages fluently and she helped me with all my paperwork. Move to madrid is an company where trust comes from the heart. Every time I needed help with Spanish transcripts of with stuff in my house, I called move to madrid who helped me sort out my issues. Great company!!!
Eliana è una fantastica mediatrice! Lei ci ha propostoo grandi offerte a Madrid ed è stata disponibile tutto il giorno! Ha ottimi rapporti con i proprietari di casa ed è stato così possibile giungere a un conveniente compromesso finanziario! L’appartamento, per il quale abbiamo optato alla fine, è semplicemente fantastico! Grazie di tutto!
Eliana nous a particulièrement aidé dans notre recherche et installation à Madrid! Eliana est très serviable et réactive ! On recommande.
Vi letet lenge etter leilighet, men fikk ikke svar fra meglere eller annonser. Eliana svarte oss med en gang og hun var veldig hjelpsom. En fordel er at hun er veldig god i engelsk, så det var lett å holde en samtale og foreta en avtale. Eliana kjenner Madrid godt, så hun fortalte oss om nabolaget og tipset oss om ulike cafeer, barer og restauranter. Hun viste oss rundt i leiligheten sammen med eieren og svarte på alt av spørsmål vi skulle ha. Selve underskrivingen av kontrakten og betaling gikk veldig bra, og alt ble gjort som avtalt. Hun var veldig behjelpelig under hele prosessen, også i ettertid. I ettertid har hun sjekket opp om alt står bra til med oss og hun passer på at alt går som avtalt. Absolutt en person vi vil anbefale på det sterkeste.